Wednesday, February 5, 2014

let's talk hair

Tonight I got my hair cut and highlighted. 

Since I was 14 (& I'm almost 30 now😬) I have been color treating my hair. Blonde. I don't really remember my natural hair color. Dirty blonde? Light brown? Maybe.

Tonight I got a full head of highlights. No low lights. Which is my favorite look on me.

When I was in high school and college I used box dye. L'Oreal Preference Whispersoft Blonde. It was my RIDE OR DIE!! Then I finished school, found a job, and started making money. Then I started getting my hair colored professionally. And discovered the world of foils. lol In my early twenties I experimented with a little color. Did a few red highlights. A bit of black. But at about 26, I met my stride with a full head of blonde highlights. And never looked back. Every few times I go I get a few lowlights. But mostly blonde. 

But on my ride home I got to thinking, is it time to stop? Go back to my natural color? I feel like I should. I'm older now. My 30th birthday is a few months away. I feel like I should stop with so much blonde in my hair. 

But then I think a darker (my natural) hair color on me would not be a good look for me. 

Maybe I'm just so used to being blonde. 

Maybe I just needed to talk it out with myself. 

I'm glad I started this diary thing because this was originally going to be made into a bunch of twitter posts. 

So. Thoughts? Go darker as you get older? Or keep on keeping on? 

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